惠氏制药有限公司 大区业务经理 申请该职位 查阅该职位薪酬水平
工作性质: 全职 工作地点: 杭州
发布日期: 2023-05-08 12:25:49 薪  水:
招聘人数: 1人 工作经验: 3-5
学  历: 不限
Main responsibility: - Responsible for all aspects of sales of company products within assigned region, including devising and implementing sales strategies, forecasting sales. - Maintain effective budgetary controls of sales expense. - Manage a team of sales force in achieving pre-determined regional sales targets. - Supervise, direct and motivate subordinates up to the company's expected levels of salesmanship. - Participate in design, manpower acquisition and disposition in assuring optimum coverage within established budget - Implement marketing/sales plans to achieve predetermined objectives. - Develop a sales target. Measure sales results against plan and take appropriate actions. - Ensure field strategies and activities complied with corporate objectives. - Assure a well-developed field intelligence system and exploit new business opportunities. - Appraise subordinates' performance periodically. - Maintain on-going relationship with customers and key local officials in related authorities. Education / Experience Science background with relevant sales management experience and 5 years supervisory experience and good management skills Skill - Good leadership, good interpersonal relationship - In-depth knowledge in ethical selling and trade distribution. - Good analytical and communication skill, able to work independently
惠氏在妇女保健、神经系统、肌肉骨骼系统、心血管系统的治疗、疫苗和抗感染、血友病、免疫制剂和抗肿瘤等领域都有领先产品。惠氏的产品销售于140多个国家,正在改善全球千百万人的生活。惠氏每年投入约20亿美元用于研究和开发,正在开发的有60多种治疗性新药,创新药物在源源不断地推向市场,以保持其在业内领先的新药研发产品线。 随着中国市场的快速发展和在惠氏全球战略中起到的日益重要的作用,惠氏公司将进一步加大在中国的投入和发展力度:药品部将在2008年上市全球领先的七价肺炎球菌结合疫苗,组建疫苗销售队伍。 如果你有激情,有理想,勇于面对挑战,请加入我们;如果你想尝试新的销售领域,积累更多区域扩张的经验,请加入我们,惠氏中国将助你成功! 有意者请留意前程无忧网站和惠氏公司网站,我们期待您的加入。
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