北京诺华制药有限公司 Brand Training Manager 申请该职位 查阅该职位薪酬水平
工作性质: 全职 工作地点: 北京
发布日期: 2023-01-06 12:51:03 薪  水:
招聘人数: 1人 工作经验: 5年以上
学  历: 本科
Major Accountabilities 1,Runs internal customer surveys to identify brand training needs 2,Responsible for developing a modular brand training course for new reps (orientation training), existing reps (refresh training in the region) or for new brands (launch brands). 3,Coordinates brand training sessions with Medical Team (Disease & Brand knowledge), Brand Team (Brand strategy, messages, material, PoA), FF training team (providing platform and brand selling training) and ensures best in class execution of rep training across the three teams. 4,Ensures high quality training material for brand training (MCC approval!) 5, Measures quality of brand training per rep (test) and provides brand certificates for successfully passed brand qualification 6,Monitors competitor training initiatives and shares with internal customers 7,Manages brand training budget Authorities 1,Leadership responsibility of reps during trainings 2,Proposes brand training plans to GBM, Marketing Director and Regional Director. 3, Proposes and manages brand training budget 4,Internal facilitation and coordination with all functions, specifically brand team., RDs, ASMs, PSMs and Medical Marketing.
1996年,继瑞士汽巴-嘉基公司和山德士公司全球完成合并之后,其在华制药业务实施合并,成立了诺华在中国的第一家公司--北京诺华制药有限公司。 十几年来,北京诺华取得了骄人的业绩,业务遍及全国260多个城市,复合增长率超过20%。2006年公司销售额达到了18亿元人民币。 诺华制药在中国设立常用药品事业部、抗感染药品事业部、移植及中枢神经药品事业部、眼科药品事业部和肿瘤药品事业部,实施区域化管理,建立了极具竞争力的产品组合。公司在心血管、内分泌、抗感染、肿瘤、移植免疫、风湿疼痛、骨代谢、眼科、中枢神经系统、皮科、及消化科等11大领域拥有30多种国际一流的高科技专利产品,相关产品的市场份额在血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂领域排名第一,在血管紧张素拮抗剂领域排名第二,在移植领域排名第一,在肿瘤领域排名第一。
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