外资诺和诺德(中国)制药有限公司 销售支持主管(华西区) 申请该职位 查阅该职位薪酬水平
工作性质: 全职 工作地点: 武汉
发布日期: 2024-05-07 10:25:38 薪  水:
招聘人数: 1人 工作经验: 5-10年
学  历: 本科
要求: 1: 医药相关本科以上学历 2: 五年以上销售经验.
About Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk is one of the world's leading bio-pharmaceutical companies and the world leader in insulin production for diabetes treatment. With headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs approximately 21,000 people in more than 70 countries and markets its products in 179 countries. There are also production plants in occident. Novo Nordisk has a long history since 1923. For over 80 years, Novo Nordisk continues to adopt advanced biotechnology to improve the research and means of production for insulin. It is a major force in insulin manufacture and diabetes treatment. The company was the first to introduce longer acting insulin (NPH and Lente insulin), pre--mixed insulin, highly purified insulin (MC and RI insulin), human insulin and insulin pens, which tremendously improved the level of diabetes treatment and control, and life quality of people with diabetes. In addition, Novo Nordisk is in a leading position within the areas of coagulation disorders, growth disorders and hormone replacement therapy. As early as 1960s, Novo Nordisk's products have been introduced to the China market. In 1994, Novo Nordisk board decided to land a strategic investment project in China. Novo Nordisk (Tianjin) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was then set up in China. The company's headquarters and Biotechnology R&D Center are located in Beijing while its production plant is in Tianjin. For more information, please visit: http://www.novonordisk.com.cn 诺和诺德公司概览: 诺和诺德是世界领先的生物制药公司,在用于糖尿病治疗的胰岛素开发和生产方面居世界领先地位。诺和诺德总部位于丹麦首都哥本哈根,员工总数21,000人,分布于70个国家,产品销售遍布179个国家。在欧美均建有生产厂。 诺和诺德的历史最早可追溯至1923年。近80年来,诺和诺德不断运用先进的生物技术完善胰岛素研究和生产手段,取得突破性进展,成为这一领域的先驱。诺和诺德率先推出长效胰岛素,预混胰岛素,高纯胰岛素,人体胰岛素和胰岛素注射笔。同时,诺和诺德又率先推出新一类的口服降糖药-诺和龙,从而极大地提高了糖尿病治疗和控制水平,改善了糖尿病人的生活质量。此外,诺和诺德还在凝血治疗、生长保健以及激素替代疗法等很多方面居世界领先地位。 诺和诺德的产品60年代初就已进入中国市场。1994年初,诺和诺德董事会通过了在中国实施战略投资的计划,在北京建立诺和诺德(中国)制药有限公司总部和生物技术研究发展中心,并在天津兴建现代化生产工厂。欲了解详情,请访问诺和诺德中国网站:http://www.novonordisk.com.cn
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